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Is your garage door making loud and bothersome noises every time you use it? Worried about potential problems? Many of us know that unsettling sound all too well.

It’s irritating and indicates that your garage door might need some attention. One effective solution is ensuring it’s well-lubricated. Our comprehensive guide will show you how, so your garage door can function as quietly and efficiently as when it was first installed.

Why Should You Lubricate Your Garage Door?

Before we get into the details, let’s talk about why it’s essential. Lubricating your garage door might seem like a small task, but it’s crucial for keeping your door working well for a long time. It helps make your door quieter, keeps away rust, reduces wear on the parts, and helps your garage door last longer.

Parts of the Garage Door That Needs Lubrication

Garage doors are made up of different moving parts, each needing a little care. Let’s look at the main parts, like the tracks, rollers, hinges, springs, and locks, and see why keeping them in good shape is essential.


Think of the hinges as the elbows of your garage door. They help it bend and move. They can get stiff if not well-lubricated, causing your door to move unevenly. Use a silicone-based lubricant to keep them moving smoothly.


Rollers help your door slide up and down easily. They can be made of metal or nylon. Dirt can build up on them over time, making it harder for them to roll. It’s a good idea to lubricate them every six months with a special garage door lubricant.


The tracks don’t need oil, but they do need to be clean. Wipe them with a wet cloth to ensure there’s nothing in the way of the rollers.


Springs do the heavy work of lifting the door. Because they work so hard, they can wear out if they’re not looked after. A bit of silicone-based lubricant can help them last longer.


Even though the lock doesn’t help move the door, it also needs some care. A lubricated lock is easier to use, and your key will turn easily.

It’s like taking care of a car. With regular checks, a bit of lubrication, and prompt garage door repair when necessary, your garage door can work well for a long time without any significant problems. By keeping an eye on these parts and addressing issues promptly, you’ll save money and have a smooth-working garage door for years.

Choosing the Right Lubricant for Your Garage Door

It’s essential to pick the right oil for your garage door to keep it working well for a long time. Here’s what you should think about when picking an oil:

  1. Matching with Your Door: Not every oil suits every garage door. Some oils can hurt particular doors. Always use an oil that works well with your door’s material. You can find this info in the door’s guide or on the maker’s website.
  2. Silicone-Based Oils: These oils are usually great for garage doors. They can handle hot or cold weather, keep water out, and stop rust. They also only gather a little dirt, unlike some other oils.
  3. Lithium-Based Greases: These are thick oils that last a long time. They’re perfect for door parts that touch metal, like hinges and springs. They work well in cold places because they don’t get hard like some oils.
  4. Skip WD-40: WD-40 works well for many things but not for garage doors. This is because it’s not an oil. It’s used to free up parts that are stuck. Over time, it can pull in dirt and make pieces stick.
  5. Spray vs. Liquid: Spray oils are easy to put on, especially in small or tricky spots, like tracks and rollers. Liquid ones, though, are usually better valued because you save time.
  6. Keep Up with Care: Use it often, no matter which oil you pick. Regular care can make your garage door last longer and work better. Always put oil on all moving parts, like rollers, hinges, tracks, and springs.
  7. Ask an Expert: If you need help deciding which oil to pick, ask a garage door expert. They can tell you what’s best for your specific door and the weather in your area.

Steps on How Easily Oil Your Garage Door 

With the proper knowledge and tools, you can oil your garage door. Let’s go through each step to make sure your door works smoothly.

Step 1: Clean Your Garage Door Before putting on any oil, you must clean your garage door. It’s like getting a surface ready for painting. Dust, dirt, and spiderwebs can stop the oil from working well. Use a dry cloth to wipe the door and all parts that move. Make sure to clean every corner!

Step 2: Focus on the Springs The springs are significant because they help lift the door. They work hard and need a lot of oil. So, make sure to put plenty of oil on them.

Step 3: Look at the Tracks Next, the tracks. When you oil them, only put oil on the sides, not the bottom. If you put grease on the bottom, the door might slide, and that’s not safe. So, just oil the sides.

Step 4: Oil the Rollers. The rollers help the door move up and down quickly. When you boil them, put on more than you think you need. It’s better to put a lot than a little.

Step 5: Remember the Hinges and Bearings The hinges and bearings might be small but very important. They help the door move smoothly. Make sure to put enough oil on them so they work well.

Step 6: Clean Up After putting oil on everything, clean up any extra oil. Use the dry cloth again to wipe off any extra oil from the door and parts. A clean door works better!

Now, your garage door should open and close very smoothly. To keep it working well, remember to do this every few months.

Common Mistakes to Watch Out For When Oiling Your Garage Door

Everyone can slip up, especially when doing tasks around the house. Oiling your garage door is important to keep it working well and lasting longer. But sometimes, people make simple mistakes. Here’s a list of those common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Choosing the Wrong Oil 

Many folks think WD-40 is the best choice. But it’s not. It’s more of a cleaner and can pull in the dirt. 

What to Do: Pick silicone or lithium-based greases for garage doors.

  1. Not Cleaning the Door First 

Garage doors can get dirty over time. If you put oil on top of dirt, the oil won’t work well.

What to Do: Clean your garage door and all its moving bits before you put any oil on.

  1. Putting On Too Much or Too Little Oil

Too much oil can pull in the dirt. Not enough oil won’t protect the parts well. 

What to Do: Use just the right amount of oil. It should cover the parts without dripping everywhere. A thin layer usually does the trick.

  1. Missing Some Parts of the Door 

Sometimes, people need to remember some parts of the door, like the rollers or hinges. 

What to Do: Make sure you put oil on every moving part.

  1. Forgetting to Oil, the Door Often

Garage doors need care often. If you forget, they can start to have problems. 

What to Do: Try to oil your garage door at least two times a year.

  1. Leaving Extra Oil on the Door

Extra oil can pull in dirt, which can cause problems later on. 

What to Do: After you’re done, use a clean cloth to remove any extra oil.

  1. Not Being Safe

Garage doors are big and heavy. You need to be safe when working on them. 

What to Do: Wear gloves and safety glasses. And always be careful around moving parts.

Remember, a little care can make your garage door work smoothly and last longer. So, it’s worth taking the time to do it right.

Maintaining Garage Door Post-Lubrication

Oiling your garage door is a great start, but there’s more to keeping it in great shape. You also need to check it regularly and keep it clean. Here are some easy steps to make sure your garage door stays working well after you’ve oiled it:

Keep an Eye on Your Door 

After you’ve oiled your garage door, make it a habit to check on it for any signs of wear or damage. This proactive approach helps you spot any minor problems before they get big, ensuring timely garage door repair if needed.

What to Watch For:

Give Your Door a Good Clean 

A clean door works better and looks nicer.

Cleaning Tips:

Make Sure Your Door is Balanced 

A door that’s not balanced can break the door opener over time.

How to Check:

Change Old Weatherstripping 

The rubber strip at the bottom of your door keeps out the weather. Your garage won’t be as cozy if it gets old and breaks.

How to Change:

Test the Safety Features 

Your garage door should have a feature where it goes backward if something’s in its way.

How to Test:

Check the Hardware

Your garage door moves a lot, which can shake some parts loose.

How to Tighten:

Taking care of your garage door, including regular maintenance such as oiling, is as essential as the oiling itself. If you keep up with these steps, your door should work well for a long time. Remember, it’s always easier to stop garage door repair problems before they start!

Need Help with Your Garage Door?

Taking good care of your garage door is vital for it to last long and work smoothly. Oiling your door helps it work better and stops those noisy squeaks. But, even if it sounds easy, it can be tricky to get everything just right.

That’s where we, First Call Garage Doors, can help. We’re experts at garage door repair in Richmond, TX. We have the skills, experience, and tools to ensure your garage door works like new. We’re among the best in the Richmond, TX, area, including places like Cypress and the surrounding area.

When you choose us, you’re getting more than just a service. You’re getting peace of mind. We care about making sure your garage door is safe and works right. A good garage door doesn’t just make life easier; it keeps your home safe too.

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